Level 4, Integration - The Sankaran Masterclass

Language: English

Instructors: Dr. RAJAN SANKARAN


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Integrating all the knowledge we have got till now this module consists of topics like Pediatric and Acute case-taking where Dr. Sankaran has in detail discussed topics like knowing the child’s sensitivity, observing the child, mothers history during pregnancy and prompt management of acute situations.


Talk 1: Pediatric cases and management

In this talk Dr. Sankaran emphasizes a few points of Pediatric case-taking starting from observing, engaging the child, finding characteristic symptoms from the parents description, finding the child’s sensitivity and taking the mothers history during pregnancy in detail.

How observing the drawing and paintings, the habits of the child plays an important role and the importance of past history, pathology, vaccination history, developmental history is covered in this talk. Dr. Sankaran gives examples of various remedies and explains how each remedy child has certain characteristic traits. Further he shares a few cases and learning’s of pediatric case-taking from the same.


Talk 2: Management of acute cases

In this talk Dr. Sankaran discusses the five possibilities of acute conditions being when the patient comes directly in the acute condition, when the patient comes in an acute during his chronic in which he is doing well, when the patient comes in an acute when the chronic is not doing well, when the patient comes in an acute during a chronic, which is doing okay, but the picture is very different and lastly acute causes like injury etc. Lastly he also shares the indications of a few remedies he uses commonly in acute conditions.  




In this module Dr. Sankaran shares his journey of reaching to the synergy and with various case examples he explains how it helps immensely in practice.


Talk 1 : Synergy in Homeopathy - 1

Integrating the knowledge from all the 3 levels studied above, Dr. Sankaran takes us with his journey of finding the Synergy with various case examples. He explains how one and one is two but in synergy one plus one is one thousand. This approach is a comprehensive approach where different things come together, energize, synergize and you can see the results of it.


Talk 2 : Synergy in Homeopathy - 2

Dr. Sankaran shares how in some cases the sensation is the most prominent, in some the mind picture is the most prominent, and in some other cases, the genius is the most prominent. He shares how we should start with what is the most prominent, the most characteristic, take it first and then we can correlate it with the other side, the symptom, the genius and this approach is what he calls  – “SYNERGY” where we are not fixed on any one thing and we are open to the patient.




In this module Dr. Sankaran talks about the aspects which come after the remedy selection being Posology and Follow Up management


Talk 1: Homeopathic Posology

In this talk Dr. Sankaran explains how the levels correspond to the potencies.  The potency is selected by understanding the level at which the patient lives his daily life and not the level he reaches during the case-taking. He goes on to explain the criteria to decide the levels and the corresponding potencies. Moving ahead he shares the selection of scale: Centesimal or 50 millesimal (LM) in detail. Lastly he shares the instructions he gives to the patient regarding the medicines and throws light on the repetition of potency.


Talk 2: The Art of follow up - 1

In this talk Dr. Sankaran discusses what is a follow up, how do we see follow ups, the different possibilities in follow-up in remedy response, evaluation and re-evaluation of cases, importance of investigations in a follow-up. He shares the 8 questions he asks during every follow up. Further he shares the different possibilities we can get during a follow up they being:

  1. Amelioration at all levels
  2. No change at all
  3. Patient develops symptoms that he had in the past
  4. Aggravation of symptoms might occur
  5. An acute manifestation comes up in a chronic case.

Dr. Sankaran further shares how we should evaluate the patient's case after every 6 months or 1 year and how to manage an acute condition in a follow up.


Talk 3: The Art of follow up - 2

In this talk Dr. Sankaran has discussed about a follow up questionnaire, the time taken and frequency for follow up, follow ups given by relatives and friends, repetition of the dose, stepping up the potency, past symptoms coming back, complementary remedies, antidotes, how to taper allopathic medicines, investigations, counselling, follow up of patients who come after a gap of few years and ending the treatment.


Talk 4: The Art of follow up - 3

Continuing the talk on follow ups, Dr. Sankaran shares various case examples and experiences from his practice which help us understand how to take a follow up and which protocol we should follow depending on the patient's status.

Course Curriculum


Module 1 - The homeopathic toolkit and advanced case taking techniques

1. Pediatric Cases and Management

2. Management of Acute Cases

Module 2 - Mastering homeopathy made easy with the Synergy approach

1. Synergy in Homeopathy Part 1

2. Synergy in Homeopathy Part 2

Module 3 - Making your medicines work for you

1. Homeopathic Posology

2. The Art of follow up - 1

3. The Art of follow up - 2

4. The Art of follow up - 3

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